BESSIG Meeting Wed, Sept 19, 4 - 6 PM
Another BLAST! Many thanks to Anna and Dave for their willingness to share ideas with us this month.
Anna Milan, NOAA/NESDIS/NGDC, Metadata for the Archive: Transition to ISO, Approaches, Challenges, and Opportunities
Dave Fulker, President, OPeNDAP, Inc., A (Very) Rough Idea: Raster Binning and Masking Services (see attachment)
I’ll sketch my idea for a new type of data query/response service built (perhaps for EarthCube) around a standardized space-time raster that has a dual function. Tentatively dubbed “Raster Binning & Masking Services” or RBinMasks, users would gain a (potentially standard) way to specify (irregular) space-time regions of interest and a (potentially standard) way to gain information about the space-time distributions of pertinent data, without – or before – retrieving actual values.
Come join us at the Boulder Outlook Hotel!
4:00 - 5:00 Presentations
5:00 - 6:00 Social