BESSIG Meeting Tuesday, Mar 18, 4:00 - 6:00 PM, Outlook
We’re still at the Outlook through April 2014. We seek an alternative venue for May and beyond. Please see New Venue Desirements below and keep them in mind as you move around Boulder.
(red star) Note that we’re meeting on a Tuesday rather than a Wednesday this month due to room availability. We’re back in the Chatauqua room at the Boulder Outlook Hotel.
Earth System CoG and the Earth System Grid Federation: A Partnership for Improved Data Management and Project Coordination
Sylvia Murphy, Cecelia DeLuca, Allyn Treshansky, NOAA/CIRES, Luca Cinquini, JPL/NOAA
The Earth System CoG Collaboration Environment, led by a NOAA ESRL/CIRES team, is partnering with the DOE-led Earth System Grid Federation (ESGF) data archive to deliver a capability that will enable users to store, federate, and search scientific datasets, and manage and connect the projects that produced those datasets.
ESGF is an international network of data nodes that is used to host climate data sets, including the model outputs from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP), which supported the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) assessment reports. ESGF data nodes are federated, so that all data holdings are visible from any of the installation sites. An ESGF data node is now installed at NOAA’s Earth System Research Laboratory (ESRL’s). It currently hosts data from the Dynamical Core Model Intercomparison Project (DCMIP) and Twentieth Century Reanalysis data from ESRL’s Physical Sciences Division.
CoG is a collaboration environment and connective hub for networks of projects in the Earth Sciences. It hosts software development projects, model intercomparison projects, and short university-level courses. It includes a configurable search to data on any ESGF node, metadata collection and display, project-level wikis, and a host of other capabilities. There are 74 projects currently using the system.
CoG is partnering with the international Earth System Model Documentation (ES-DOC) project, funded by both NOAA and the EU’s Infrastructure for the European Network for Earth System Modeling (IS-ENES) project. ES-DOC is developing tools that capture, display, and compare Earth system model metadata. This information can be linked directly from a CoG project or attached to specific datasets in the ESGF node.
This presentation will provide an overview of both CoG and ESGF, demonstrate data discovery and download, and key CoG capabilities using relevant example projects.
ESRL ESGF data node:
Schedule (mostly)
4:00 - 5:xx presentation
5:xx - 6:00 social
New Venue Desirements
Free, or cost based on attendance
Can purchase food and beverages, or within walking distance of such
Easy to get to, easy to park, in Boulder
Separate room
Projection capability
Internet connectivity
hours 4 - 6:00 Tu or Wed, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th week of the month, flexible